Providing excellence in quality service, maintenance and repairs in Miami, FL since 1980
At the heart of our company lies a remarkable bond between two individuals who share not only a business partnership but also a deep love for cars. Fernando Torres Sr. and Fernando Torres Jr., our founders, have cultivated a relationship that is rooted in their shared passion for automobiles. This connection took shape during Fernando Jr.’s formative years, as he spent countless hours working alongside his father in the family’s mechanic shop. It was within these walls that their mutual love for cars blossomed, forming the very foundation of our company.
As Fernando Jr. grew older, his fascination with cars evolved into an unwavering passion. Guided by his father’s expertise and mentorship, he developed a profound understanding of European vehicles. Together, they embarked on an extraordinary journey, transforming their shared enthusiasm into the establishment of Advanced Auto Diagnostics. It is through their harmonious partnership and genuine appreciation for one another that our company has thrived, driven by the enduring legacy of their loving relationship.
The story of Advanced Auto Diagnostics goes beyond a mere business venture; it represents the continuation of a cherished legacy. Founders Fernando Torres Sr. and Fernando Torres Jr. have passed down a rich tradition of unwavering commitment to excellence. Our company stands as a testament to their enduring dedication, reflecting the remarkable journey they have undertaken together.
Fernando Jr. draws inspiration from his father’s relentless work ethic and steadfast devotion to providing top-notch service. As he steps into the role of business owner, mentor, and friend, Fernando Jr. remains driven by the desire to honor his father’s legacy. With each passing day, he strives to make his father proud, upholding the values instilled in him from an early age.
Through Fernando Jr.’s unwavering dedication, Advanced Auto Diagnostics maintains its position as a beacon of integrity, passion, and excellence within the automotive industry. Our company stands as a testament to the enduring values upheld by the Torres family. As we move forward, we carry the torch of success and proudly inspire future generations to continue the remarkable legacy established by Fernando Torres Sr. and perpetuated by his devoted son, Fernando Torres Jr.